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Frederik Anseel | Success and the Luck of the Draw

Frederik Anseel

Our news feeds are inundated with success stories of people who got rich quick, who climbed the career ladder to the top, even people who became overnight viral sensations. But how much of these people’s success comes down to hard work, versus being in the right place at the right time and having a little good luck on their side? When it comes to being successful is there really any difference between someone who won the lottery and someone who founded a billion dollar tech startup?  Wealthy people overwhelmingly attribute their success to hard work rather than to factors like being in the right place at the right time, but what if lottery winners and successful entrepreneurs have more in common than you think? If we know how this game of chance works -  why do we keep clicking on those stories about successful business people in our newsfeeds? 

Whatever your definition is of success, there seems to be no shortage of advice out there about how you can get a taste of it. In under ten minutes, or roughly the same amount of time it takes to make an elevator pitch to a venture capitalist, Frederik Anseel explains how you can increase your chances of becoming successful.

To access a transcript of this podcast please head here.

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Frederik Anseel

Frederik Anseel

Frederik Anseel is Professor of Management and Senior Deputy Dean at the UNSW Business School. He studies the motivational microfoundations of why and how people contribute to organizational success. Recent work focuses on how individuals can overcome motivational obstacles during the innovation and entrepreneurial process to “keep their fire burning”. His research has been published in leading journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and Psychological Science. His work has also been featured in public media such as Harvard Business Review, BBC, Science, Nature, Psychology Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Guardian.

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